How meditation can help build the future of Africa post covid
Peace Initiatives | Published: | 6 min read

The role of meditation took center stage at a dialogue for peace at the recent "i Meditate Africa" initiative. Thought leaders from different African countries interacted with Gurudev Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the roadmap ahead: from healing to moving into a post-pandemic world.
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As the global pandemic worsened over a year ago and most countries in the world experienced full lockdown, meditation became even more important in helping individuals cope with stress and the daily uncertainties that unfolded.
The role of meditation took center stage at a dialogue for peace at the recent i Meditate Africa initiative. Thought leaders from different African countries interacted with Gurudev Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the roadmap ahead: from healing to moving into a post-pandemic world.
Some excerpts:
A violence-free society is only possible when people have positive vibes and a meditative mind. A healthy body is possible when the mind is healthy. That is the role of meditation. To strengthen your nervous system and make your mind healthy.
The impact of meditation on an individual is:
- Sharpened intellect
- Enhanced perception
- Alleviates anxiety, sleeplessness, insomnia, and other mental conditions
- Clears negative vibrations and makes us feel positive
- Makes your smile genuine and from within
Meditation is medication. It is therapeutic. It revives the spirit and makes people happy. This is the joy of meditation. Regular practice of meditation helps us see life from a bigger perspective and makes it richer.
Happy people who see life from a broad perspective are an asset to a nation.
Youth recovering post-COVID
Willce Onyango, the executive director of the pan-African youth organization, Youth Café spoke of a sudden surge in mental health issues due to the pandemic that has exhibited pre-existing global inequality in terms of access to care. He asked how the youth of the continent could recover post covid.
Gurudev highlighted the importance of meditation in helping African youth during this time. He said, “Youth have a lot of energy which needs to be channelized. Otherwise, youth tend to fall into depression or frustration. The best way to ensure their mental and emotional balance is through meditation.”
He called the initiative of ‘i Meditate Africa’ an ideal beginning to introduce youth to meditation which can help youth master their minds, control their emotions and make them more aware and mindful.
He also reassured the youth that the present crisis and lack of employment are just temporary phases. With vaccines and more medicines being tested, the situation would get better. He encouraged the youth to not lose hope, stay strong, learn more, and come with innovative solutions during this time.
He finally said, “If there is a lot of anxiousness due to whatever reason, take refuge in meditation. Yoga and meditation will help you to sail through the tough time.”
Meditation is medication. It is therapeutic. It revives the spirit and makes people happy. This is the joy of meditation. Share on XBuilding mental strength in children
Manisha Mishra, the chief of communications, advocacy, and partnerships at UNICEF, brought light to the mental health condition of Africa’s children, which comprises a staggering 40 percent of the global population of children. Despite the huge percentage, there are unspoken woes about their mental health.
She asked, “What should we as individuals and society do to safeguard the mental health of our children and raise them as resilient and mentally strong?”
Gurudev’s advice brought interesting insights to the panel. He said, “The statistics on the percentage of children in Africa though poses concern on one hand, it brings an element of pride too. African children have a natural rhythm in them. They are close to nature and have a lot of enthusiasm. We must ensure that medical facilities and education reach every nook and corner of the continent. These two things are absolutely essential for a healthy generation.”
Ways to build the future citizens of the world
For a sane and violence-free society, Gurudev asserted that we must attend to the mental and spiritual aspects of one’s growth. “Specifically, children from central Africa have seen a lot of trauma. It is essential to bring back a smile on their faces because they are the future citizens of the world,” he said. He suggested three ways that could help with the same.
Teach meditation:
Help them get rid of stress and enable them to see life from a broader perspective. Help them have a positive vision of life for themselves and their environment.
Skill development workshops in addition to traditional modes of education will give them a mission and an opportunity for creativity and employment. That will also help a lot of school dropouts.
Understand children better:
The Art of Living Programs such as ‘Know your child’ and ‘Know your teens’ are designed to help parents and teachers understand their children and students better. These workshops will equip them to counsel when a child is depressed or has violent behavior and not send them away from school.
Based on the transcript of i Meditate Africa, May 23, 2021.
About i Meditate Africa: From its initial inception in 2013, where over 10,000 Africans meditated for Peace for Africa, the initiative has grown over the past 8 years, as part of Africa Union Day (25th May), The Art of Living has been engaging in an annual continent-wide campaign called i Meditate Africa which has seen participation by over 7.5 million people from 33 countries in Africa and over 120 countries worldwide promoting inner peace through meditation, mindfulness or quiet time as part of peace-building and unity for the continent.
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