Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes on Success (8)
There is no question of success if you have nothing to gain. There is nothing to gain if you have only come to give and serve. Success indicates non-supremacy. Success means what? It indicates that there are chances of failure. If something is supreme there is nothing to lose. People running after success only exhibit their limitations.
Success means crossing a limit. To cross a limit you need to assume that you have a limit. Assuming a limit is underestimating yourself. If you have no boundaries then where is your success? If you have limitless access then there is no success. You don’t say that you successfully drank a glass of water, because it is well within your capabilities. But when you do something that is beyond your perceived limits you claim success.
When you realise your unboundedness then no action is an achievement.
Anyone who claims to be successful only reveals his limitation. If you feel very successful it means that you have underestimated yourself. All your gains can only be smaller than you. Taking pride in any gains is belittling yourself.
Room for Imperfection
If you hold onto perfection too much, you become irritable, and success becomes a far fetched reality. Leave some room for imperfection.
Sign of Success
Even if you lose everything, if you have the confidence that you can recreate everything again, then that is a true sign of success. Success is an attitude, it is not a phenomenon.
The best way of functioning is to work silently & achieve surely. Success is achieved not by making big noises but by sincerity of purpose.
Formula for Success
Usually, we hurry the mind but we’re slow in our action. The right formula for success is patience in the mind and dynamism in action.
Good Fortune
Don't equate good fortune with money. Your good fortune lies in your happiness.
Aggression & Strength
Aggressive behaviour is a sign of weakness. Weakness doesn’t allow you to achieve something great. Calm and steady mind is a sign of strength. Only with strength you can achieve anything.
If you hold on to comfort, you can never grow. The more you let go of comfort, the more it comes along; in fact, it chases you. Holding on to commitment gives a direction to life. If you let go of your commitment, you cannot be successful.
Nature Will Support Your Goal
Have a clear goal and work for it without any feverishness. If you apply yourself sincerely and have the patience to hold on, you will find support from nature.