6 wisdom hacks for a resilient mind

Spirituality & Human Values | Published: | 4 min read

6 wisdom hacks for a resilient mind  

Key takeaways for better mental health from interactions with the World Forum for Ethics in Business, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, and an Australian Panel on well-being and mental health in the digital era.

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As Covid-19 spread at an unprecedented rate during the last two years, another set of diseases spread silently and took control of our lives. These were the diseases of the mind. Anxiety, insomnia, depression and other conditions due to poor mental health dominated the global consciousness. In 2020, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addressed the topic of mental health in several online interactions and also conducted daily online meditations to help relieve the emotional turbulence of the masses.

Here are some takeaways for better mental health from his interactions with the World Forum for Ethics in Business, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, and an Australian Panel on well-being and mental health in the digital era.

  1. Wisdom is the solution to depression

    Our botherations are very petty. When wisdom awakens, you start to think about the bigger challenges in the world such as global warming or poverty in the society. Our worries are about our future and life, and it is the major cause of our stress too. When our personal needs become our prime focus, we lose the sight of a bigger, better world. During the rise of the pandemic, we saw many volunteers come together in the spirit of sharing and caring for whoever was in need of help. When you have a sense of responsibility and understanding towards others, you are free from stress. It happens so naturally.

  2. Mind is your friend and enemy both

    It is your own mind that puts you down. There is no other enemy outside. When you train your mind, that mind becomes a very good friend. And the mind which is not under your control behaves like an enemy towards you. Yoga and pranayama effortlessly train the mind to stay calm, positive, and strong to face the unprecedented challenges of life.

  3. Observing your breath can instantly change the way you feel

    Have you noticed, every emotion in the mind arouses a sensation in the body (like fear triggers a chill down your spine) but what happens is that we get carried away by our thoughts and feelings. However, if we start observing our feelings and sensations with the help of breath, the same thoughts can be transformed effortlessly. Using the breath, we can alter the way we feel and get rid of stress, anxiety, depression, and aggressive behavior.

  4. Meditation removes lesions in the brain due to stress

    Covid pandemic was also a time that triggered a lot of anxiety and panic. Due to stress, anxiety, and other negative feelings, lesions (“lines” line structure) are formed in the hippocampus of our brain. When these lesions are removed due to deep conscious relaxation, you really start to feel better. You start to feel more fresh and alert. Meditation truly empowers you to be in the present moment, not worried about the future or brooding over the past.

  5. Nurture an interest in spirituality among youth

    The most common problem in youths today is depression, and suicides resulting from a lack of spiritual education. If our young people start learning the higher wisdom and the value of serving society at a very young age, then we will find a very different scenario altogether. It builds their character and gives them the strength to face difficult situations in life.

  6. The Sudarshan Kriya impact

    Psychiatrists at India’s National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) found that the levels of the stress hormone cortisol are significantly lower among Sudarshan Kriya practitioners. Published research from Sweden shows that Sudarshan Kriya reduces stress, anxiety and increases our optimism and well-being. It is as effective as standard antidepressant drug therapy, is free of side effects, and has less drain in the wallet.

Click here to learn Sudarshan Kriya

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