Highest Civilian Award from Suriname
Leadership & Ethics | Published: | 2 min read

Gurudev started the next leg of his "I Stand for Peace" tour in South America from Suriname. He was received by the members of the Parliament and was later awarded the highest civilian award of the country by President Santokhi.
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July 13, 2022
Paramaribo, Suriname
On his visit to Suriname after 21 years, Gurudev was received by the Minister of Defense. Later in the morning, Gurudev addressed the business leaders.
Arrived in Suriname after 21 long years. Our teachers and volunteers are growing strong. Was received by the Minister of Defence. Addressed prominent business leaders in the morning. pic.twitter.com/8WWbgJDTL8
— Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (@SriSri) July 14, 2022
At the parliament, Gurudev was welcomed by Dr. Dew Sharman, deputy speaker and several members of parliament.
In an interaction with the members of the Parliament, he spoke about how mental health has become a significant issue. He shared his vision to make Suriname the happiest country and expressed his willingness to collaborate with the Suriname government to achieve this. He highlighted the immense possibilities for the country which has a population of only 600,000 residents.
Answering questions on ways to prevent parties from fighting, Gurudev said that constructive fighting is good for democracy, however, when it comes to progress, prosperity, peace and development everybody should be united.
Was welcomed to the Suriname National Assembly by the Deputy Chair, Dew Sharman and parliamentarians of various parties. pic.twitter.com/MnJyUIOYbe
— Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (@SriSri) July 15, 2022
July 14, 2022
Paramaribo, Suriname
Gurudev was awarded the The Honorary Order of the Yellow Star (Ere-Orde van de Gele Ster), Suriname’s highest civilian award by President Santokhi, in recognition of his efforts towards world peace.
Honoured to receive Suriname’s highest award – The Honorary Order of the Yellow Star (Ere-Orde van de Gele Ster). I credit this award to the teachers & volunteers who have been doing commendable service in this country. I thank President Santokhi & the judges for this honour. pic.twitter.com/jV9bEg8stl
— Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (@SriSri) July 15, 2022
Glimpses from the award ceremony at Suriname’s Presidential Palace. @CSantokhi @PMOIndia @MEAIndia @ArtofLiving pic.twitter.com/ht6ZjkXKir
— Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (@SriSri) July 15, 2022
July 15, 2022
Paramaribo, Suriname
Gurudev addressed the Interreligieuze Raad In Suriname(The Inter-religious Council in Suriname – IRIS).

From left to right: Sanatan Dharm Maha Sabha: Arjoen Gajadharsing, Surinamese Roman Catholic Bishop: Karel Choennie, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Madjlies Moesliemien Suriname: Adiel Kallan, Surinamese Islamic Association: Dr. Robbert Bipat, Arya Samaj: Atmanand Ramcharan
Article by Suriname National Assembly
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