Nouvelle Vie Haiti

सेवा और सामाजिक कार्यक्रम | Updated: | 1 min read

Nouvelle Vie Haiti  

The Nouvelle Vie Youth Corps is a new generation of Haitian leadership that has the vision to innovate and create sustainable solutions in the spirit of selfless service

यह पृष्ठ इन भाषाओं में उपलब्ध है: English

The Nouvelle Vie Youth Corps is a new generation of Haitian leadership that has the vision to innovate and create sustainable solutions in the spirit of selfless service.

A new life for Haiti begins with transforming victims into agents of change. The first step is transformed individuals: releasing trauma, restoring hope, and fostering personal responsibility of individuals, opening minds to people’s ability to improve their own lives.

The second step is to support this shift in attitude and behaviors through service programs that empower self-reliance including: food security gardens, local waste management, sexuality education workshops, and street child mentorship programs run at minimal cost by community volunteers.

From these programs, leaders and entrepreneurs emerge who embody a sense of total responsibility, innovation, and integrity in action. Nouvelle Vie has trained 19 Haitian leaders as empowerment trainers, bringing the program towards total programmatic sustainability.

यह पृष्ठ इन भाषाओं में उपलब्ध है: English