Sports is a strong uniting force in the world. It is necessary to view sports as a game and not war; this sentiment ran high at the recently concluded 6th edition of the World Summit on Ethics & Leadership in Sports, held in Bengaluru, India, last week. The two-day conference was organized by the Brussels-based World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB). The theme was ‘United for Ethics in Sports’.
After two long years, 1.5 lakh visitors throng The Art of Living International Center for Durga Puja on the 8th day of Navratri Celebrations.
The European leg of the ‘I Stand for Peace’ continues to Denmark with Gurudev emphasizing the importance of mental health and other topics during public events, interviews, interactions with leaders, diplomats and entrepreneurs.
Thousands of people from different communities and social backgrounds joined Gurudev for an evening of celebration and meditation at the Cultural event organized by the Ministry of Culture at the Uhuru Stadium.
On his first visit to the country, Gurudev shares his vision of a stress-free and violence-free Uganda. An MOU was signed between Art of Living and Uganda Prisons for facilitating the Art of Living Prison Programs.