The Art of Meditation - Sahaj Samadhi
आध्यात्मिकता और मानवीय मूल्य | Published: | 1 min read

यह पृष्ठ इन भाषाओं में उपलब्ध है: English
The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj Samadhi.
Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought – a state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility.
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यह पृष्ठ इन भाषाओं में उपलब्ध है: English