गुरुदेव श्री श्री रवि शंकर Quotes on Mind (9)
Simplicity & Skilfulness
Simplicity & skilfulness seem opposites but they are not. Being simple is not naivety & being skilful is not cunningness. You need skill to excel in the world outside & you need to be simple & innocent to be able to go deep within yourself. Both are essential in life.
Its Not People Who Hurt You
It is not people who hurt you. It is your own mind & vulnerability and your own emotions that entangle you & make you feel hurt.
Formula for Success
Usually, we hurry the mind but we’re slow in our action. The right formula for success is patience in the mind and dynamism in action.
Taking your attention to that in you which doesn’t change brings enormous stability in life. Yet, it is often not clear what that something is. Exploring that ‘something’ IS spirituality.
A Sign of Intelligence
One of the signs of intelligence is acknowledging you know very little and being open to multiple possibilities in life. This can help you overcome a know-it-all attitude and a closed mindset.
Laziness and Restlessness
Peace should not be confused with complacency, nor restlessness with dynamism. Meditation helps one move away from laziness and restlessness.
Frustration Simmers
Frustration begins within and simmers in any activity. You have to recognize this and nip it in the bud otherwise it will latch on to some reason outside and engulf you totally. Stillness alone is the way to be free from it.
Pure Consciousness
Remember that you are the pure consciousness, which is immortal, all pervading, and full of wisdom!
Just because some people don’t accept you as you are, don’t strip yourself of your originality. Never let go of your true self to win over others. In the long run, you will regret you traded one of your greatest assets, your uniqueness, for momentary validation.