गुरुदेव श्री श्री रवि शंकर Quotes on Love (43)
Radiating Love
When you radiate love, even the animals drop their innate aggression.
Transformation Through Love
Naturalness, Simplicity & Love bring transformation in the individual and society.
Faith Over Doubt
Your faith & love are a hundred times more powerful than doubt. Faith is like the sun, doubt is like a cloud. Despite cloudy days, the sun shines.
Unquestioned Love
Don't question others' love for you. Take it for granted that people love you.
Phenomenon of Love
Love is that phenomenon of dissolving, disappearing, merging, becoming one with the infinite. Love is that phenomenon of total letting go.
Love and Nation
Love for the Divine & love for the country are not different. If we are strong within, we can work better for the nation.
Defined Love
The love that is defined by a relationship is limited. Dive deep into a Love that is beyond relationship.
Realm of Love
Love is the realm of the unknown, the unknowable, the infinite. Logic pertains to the realm of limitations and observations.
Rising in Love
Don't fall in love; rise in love!
Expressing the Inexpressible
Love is that which you can't fully express or hide. Beauty is that which you can't possess or renounce. Truth is that which you can't avoid.
Love is Your Existence
Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence!
Strength of the Soul
Love strengthens the soul; hatred and sorrow weaken the soul.
What is Divine Love?
Divine Love is: "I have never touched you, but you are pulsating in every cell of my being. I have never met you, but you are in me."
Strength in Love
There is strength in peace, there is strength in calmness, there is strength in love. What you cannot win with guns, you can win with love.
Enduring Respect
Is there a love where respect is not lost?
Universal Love
Om means Love. All that exists across this Universe is all Love.
Being Love
Trying to comprehend love is a futile exercise; you can only be it.
Cant Force Love
Love and humor cannot happen by force or effort. Simply relax and repose, and you'll have a blast!
Beyond Measurement
Love, Beauty, Divine, Self cannot be measured. All that can be measured is called MAYA.
Purifying Love
Knowledge purifies the mind. Love purifies the heart. Seva (Service) purifies Karma.
Nourishing Divine Love
In the world & in spiritual matters, move towards action that nourishes Divine Love.
One-sided Love
One-sided love is considered unfortunate. I say, lucky are those whose love is one-sided. The love that withstands rejection, without turning into bitterness, is real love. It liberates you, but with such love in your heart, you no longer look for liberation.
Holding Air
Divine Love is like the vast sky; desire is trying to hold on to air in a fist.
God in Us and Others
Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and Meditation is seeing God within us.
Yoga and Fearlessness
Love and Yoga can help overcome any kind of fear.
Love’s Preservation
Love is preserved by wisdom, destroyed by demand, tested by doubt, nourished by longing. It blossoms with faith and grows with gratitude.
Love and Seva
Love in Action is Service (Seva).
Dance of Love
As you give love, you receive it from every nook & corner of existence. The more you give, the more you get. Life becomes a sheer dance of love.
Legendary Love
Legendary is the love that withstands rejection. It will be free of anger & ego.
Beyond the Intellect
Devotion and Love is going beyond the intellect by satisfying the intellect.
Divine Love’s Limitlessness
Worldly love can be like an ocean, yet an ocean has a bottom. Divine love is like the sky, which is limitless. From the bottom of the ocean, soar into the vast sky.
Flowering of Love
Know that the highest flowering in life is being in love. Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence.
Krishna and Joy
Lord Krishna personifies love and joy. Love, happiness, and naturalness are the greatest enemies of the ego.
Turn Every Problem into Wonder
Turn every problem into wonder; every adventure into joy. This starts happening with the very glimpse & experience of Divine Love.
Valentines Day
People celebrate Valentine's Day once a year. But for those who know love, every moment is a cause for celebration, where you are there for the other, and where “you” are not there at all. When you can celebrate silence, only then can you celebrate love!
Pinnacle of Love
Devotion is the pinnacle of Love (nectar of Love for the Divine). Only devotion can bring contentment, and it is the highest attainment of life.
Beyond Craving and Aversion
Often people think they are sad because of love. It is not so. It is craving for attention from the other or aversion to the other's behavior that causes sadness. Love really begins when you go beyond craving & aversion.
Pain-free Love
You want a life that's free from misery. You want a love that’s free from pain. You want happiness that’s not attached to delusions. All this can happen when you broaden your vision and let go of all that you’re holding on to.
Deep-rooted Love
Our love/faith must be deep-rooted. Once we realize we are blessed, complaints & insecurities disappear. We become grateful, contented, peaceful.
Rules and Love
Rules belong to the Head & Love to the Heart!
Love Stretched is Service
Body stretched is Dance. Sound stretched is Music. Mind stretched is Meditation. Love stretched is Service.
Love and Water
In Sanskrit, ‘Apaha’ means both water & love. ‘Aptah’ is a dear one. Water, life & love are inseparable.