650 Volunteers Bring Relief Material in Flood-ravaged Konkan Belt

अगस्त 3, 2021

The Art of Living and IAHV volunteers, along with their partners have been working on a war footing to provide relief in the form of food, clothes, dry ration kits and other vital essentials in the flood-ravaged regions of Maharashtra’s Konkan belt.

Covid 19 – Responding to the Second Wave in India

मई 9, 2021

To mitigate the shortage of oxygen and essential supplies, the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) and The Art of Living have started an initiative of supplying oxygen concentrators, critical medical equipment to hospitals and people across India.

A Dialogue and Prayer for a Healthier World

अप्रैल 9, 2021

On the occasion of the World Health Day, as a part of a conference titled ‘Changing Paradigms in a Pandemic World’, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addressed two million online attendees and world political leaders, global health experts, frontline workers, sportsmen and artists from a 100 countries on the current pandemic crisis and ways to overcome it.