Understanding Life, Death, and Beyond

What Happens After Death?

After death, the soul starts adjusting to another realm. It carries the sense of sound and sight and slowly moves away from the earthly realm.

The State of Coma and Death

Coma is like a limbo state where the body is frozen but the mind is alert. It's similar to death where the mind withdraws from the senses.

Last Rites and Universal Light

The last rites tell the departed that they are light, they merge in the universal light, and they are free. It's a return to the source.

Freedom and the End of Life

At the end of life, you become free of all earthly attachments. Your interests change and you move towards a place of total freedom.

Merits and Inheritance

The good you do, your charity and your merits get passed on to your forefathers. This spiritual inheritance is an integral part of the journey.

The Importance of Last Impressions

The last impressions in your life, your strongest cravings and fears, can determine your next life. It emphasizes the importance of your end days.

Reincarnation and Attachments

Strong attachments can lead to reincarnation within the same family. Similarly, deep aversions can also determine your next birth.

Suicide does not free the person from misery, but prolongs it. They have to be born again to face the issues they were trying to escape.

The Truth About Suicide