7 Tips to Conquer Negative Thoughts

Ever wondered where negative thoughts come from and how to get rid of them? Gurudev shares some simple tips.

Negative thoughts multiply when you chase them. Instead, give them a hug and watch them disappear.

Stop Chasing Negative Thoughts


Exercise and staying busy help reduce negative thoughts. Keep your body and mind active.


The Role of Exercise

Proper bowel movements can help prevent negative thoughts. Maintain a healthy gut for better mental health.

Importance of Digestion


Ayurvedic herbs and therapies can help calm and soothe your system, reducing negative thoughts.


Balance Your Body with Ayurveda

The company you keep can influence your thoughts. Surround yourself with positive people.

The Impact of Company


Cosmic energies and planetary positions can affect your thoughts. Remember, this will pass, and time moves on.


Cosmic Energies and Time

Don't be paranoid about negative thoughts. Embrace the changes in your life.

Stay Positive and Embrace Change