Overcome  Type-2 diabetes

Rise in stress hormones like cortisol could be a leading factor for causing Type 2 diabetes.

Follow a holistic & nutrition-rich diet

Include a variety of fruits and green vegetables, keep grains to a maximum of 30-40%, reduce starch, and follow Ayurvedic wisdom for a healthy diet.


Stress & Diabetes are Interlinked

Stress increases blood sugar, but meditation and breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya can reduce stress and bring relaxation.


Yoga regulates insulin

Certain yoga asanas can control and prevent diabetes, release muscle tension, and make your body strong with regular practice.


In the Service of Society, One Starts to Heal

Giving and engaging in service to society leads to happiness, positive outlook, and improved health.


A happy state of mind matters

A strong mind impacts the endocrine system and mental factors can aggravate diseases, but a broader mindset can vaccinate against stress and tension.


Let’s Recap

Stress & Diabetes are Interlinked 

Yoga Regulates Insulin

serve  society & heal yourself

A Happy State of Mind Matters

Holistic Nutrition